Leaving Neverland is a two-part documentary series that premiered on HBO in March 2019. It is directed by Dan Reed and tells the story of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two young boys who were befriended by Michael Jackson in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Over the course of several...
"Leaving Neverland," a documentary which features detailed accusations from two men who claim Michael Jackson sexually abused them when they were children, premiered on HBO Sunday night, drawing criticism from Jackson's family and forcing fans to confront difficult questions about the l...
Documentary filmmaker Dan Reed, whose work includes Michael Jackson doc “Leaving Neverland” and HBO’s recent “The Truth vs Alex Jones,” has found his calling in getting people to relive “the worst day in their life,” as he describes it.As well as delving into subjects as grim as ...
Michael Jackson's familyis defending the late pop star over claims of sexual abuse in anexplosive new HBO documentaryset to air Sunday. In "Leaving Neverland," Wade Robson and James Safechuck allege Jackson abused them for years when they were children – claims t...
We recommend fans in Japan to first boycott the streaming service and cancel their subscriptions but also contact Netflix Japan to show your disapproval to show this so called full-of-lies-documentary / Dan Reed’s Masterpiece of mass manipulation. ...
he 4 hour documentary - Michael Jackson, Leaving Neverland – was first aired in the US, and then Channel 4 in the UK has had completely mixed reactions...
Premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival on January 25, 2019. Broadcast on HBO Network in two parts, March 3-4, 2019.In this three hour and 56-minute documentary, Dan Reed tells a story through the eyes of two men, Wade Robson (born in Brisbane, Australia)...
Adding to an acclaim-filled 2019, “Leaving Neverland” took home the top award for Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special at Saturday night’s Creative Arts Emmys. The two-part series chronicles the accounts of James Safechuck and Wade Robson, who each allege that as children they were...
HBO’s two-part documentary,Leaving Neverland, had all the makings of a #MeToo bombshell: Over four hours,Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two former child performers, describe, in often excruciating detail, the wayMichael Jacksonallegedly groomed and sexually abused them while they were childre...
Michael Jackson’s estate drops the concert film for the singer’s Live in Bucharest (The Dangerous Tour) on YouTube just as HBO’s Leaving Neverland documentary premieres.