Leaving Cert exam papers & marking schemes along with Leaving Certificate news, notes, tips and resources including a Leaving Cert points calculator.
Irish Education Minister Richard Bruton said he had set 2019 as a target for the introduction of the new subject in all Irish primary and second-level schools. The Leaving Certificate Examinations, commonly referred to as the Leaving Cert, is the final examination in the Irish secondary school ...
Another issue raised was the fact that around one in four of this year's Leaving Certificate students do not have Junior Cert results which could have been used as a metric in awarding accredited grades. Over the past two years, Junior Cert marks had been used as a benchmark but because ...
The Leaving Cert exams will go ahead in the traditional format in June 2022, the Government has confirmed today. Education Minister Norma Foley said although the exams will revert back to the traditional style, they would be "radically different" from students' experiences in previous years 2019/...
The results of appeals are published in mid-October and if you are one of the 20 per cent who appeal each year and are upgraded, the revised Leaving Cert result will be sent to the CAO and it will make you a revised offer if appropriate. Unfortunately, given that more th...