Motschen’s Better Leaves 材质包由作者“Motschen”所制作,像素为16×16。 Motschen’s Better Leaves为叶子增加了更多的层次,使它们看起来更浓密和自然。 这个材质包没有添加纹理,因此可以与任何方块和模组兼容。 我强烈建议你在OptiFine中启用Smart Leaves选项,或者安装Cull Leavesmod,以获得更多FPS。
This isn't the most advanced better leaves pack out there, but it gets the job done and should be ready to use in any modpack or alongside any resource pack you like! By only tweaking a single model used by (almost) all leaves across vanilla and modded Minecraft, you don't need to ...
落叶Mod是很简单的,但有趣的Minecraft之外,没有人之前创建。Minecraft爱好者,比如我自己,我经常旅行的overworld Minecraft lacklusting无聊和找到游戏的性质方面,还不能完全投入描述什么是错的。 然而,随着落叶的创建,玩家和自己实现了一个简单的特性,如小叶子坠落到地面可以改变游戏的环境,在一个巨大的方式。 观察树叶...
Mod LoadersView all Fabric Quilt Categories Adventure and RPG Main File 1.19.2 Spleaves v1.0.0 Fabric/Quilt ReleaseR 1.19.2 QuiltFabric + 1 May 3, 2023 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.19 Spleaves v1.0.0 Fabric/Quilt ReleaseR 1.19.2 QuiltFabric + 1 May 3, 2023 ...
The data values for minecraft:leaves2 were as follows: DVDescription 0 Acacia Leaves 1 Dark Oak Leaves 2-3 Inaccessible "boring" leaves blocks 4 Acacia Leaves (check decay) 5 Dark Oak Leaves (check decay) 6-7 Inaccessible "boring" leaves blocks 8 Acacia Leaves (persistent) 9 Dark Oak ...
Jenny ModVideo & ScreenshotsComparison Use our comparison tool to compare the Minecraft default pack with Better Leaves.How To Install Better Leaves Texture PackHere’s a tutorial for PC users on installing Better Leaves in Minecraft Java Edition. If you’re using Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the...
The data values for minecraft:leaves2 were as follows: DVDescription 0 Acacia Leaves 1 Dark Oak Leaves 2-3 Inaccessible "boring" leaves blocks 4 Acacia Leaves (check decay) 5 Dark Oak Leaves (check decay) 6-7 Inaccessible "boring" leaves blocks 8 Acacia Leaves (persistent) 9 Dark Oak ...
叶间穿行Passable Leaves Mod 链接:官网 Passable Leaves是一个非常有用的Minecraft mod,它做出了一些微小的改变,但事实证明,这一转变最终对游戏产生了相当大的影响。这是一个为那些对Minecraft中的叶子发生的持续碰撞问题感到恼火的玩家设计的mod。与叶子的碰撞阻碍了很多玩家的Minecraft体验,因为它完全破坏了流程,但...
Whenever I leave the Minecraft window when I am inside of a friend's world, it kicks me out! This wasn't happening in any of the previous versions of both the OS and Minecraft. Please fix this as soon as possible, because it is very annoying, especially on invite only.Issue...
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Subject: [PATCH] Purpur: Configurable server mod name diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ index 233325eab66a856eaa56abc3f0cc8af84d29f25d..b54a764c2a24f8e09792ade7a9a4ebb17d...