MANILA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- A tropical storm in the Philippines unleashed floods and set off landslides over the weekend, leaving at least one dead and one missing, the government said on Monday. A government disaster agency said tropical storm Megi, which made landfall in the central Philip...
Yamauchi T; Eabe G; Padolina W;.Alkaloids from leaves and bark of Alstonia scholaris in the Philippines.Phytochemistry.1990.3321-3325Tatsuo Yamauchi, Fumiko Abe, G. William. Padolina and M. Fabian, 1990. Alkaloids from leaves and bark of Alstonia scholaris in the Philippines. Phytochemistry, ...
Let’s get one thing clear. In the Philippines, there’s no 911 to call. We’re pretty much on our own to solve our emergencies. Pia doesn’t know what to do and her neighbors don’t know what to do and the weekend girl doesn’t know what to do, nor does the weekend girl’s ...
As of Thursday morning, the NDRRMC said all sea vessels resumed operation with no strandees in the seaports.Residents wade through flood brought by Typhoon Phanfone in this photo from Dec. 25, 2019 in Leyte Province, the Philippines. (Xinhua/Stringer)...
Unfortunately, they haven’t turned red yet, but the first SUP experience was pretty good and it was an unforgettable memory. 1+ Klook User 28 Oct 2023 The coach arranges carefully and explains in English, which is simple and clear. The scenery is so beautiful, and the shadows of the...
1.any plant of the genusNicotiana,of the nightshade family, esp. any of the species, asN. tabacum,whose leaves are prepared for smoking or chewing or as snuff. 2.the prepared leaves, as used in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. 3.any product made from such leaves. ...
An earthquake has struck the Philippines, setting off landslides, damaging buildings, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In Manila, hospital patients had to be evacuated and people rushed outside as the 7-magnitude quake hit the northern part of the country. ...
Carmen Hijosa, a Spanish leather goods expert who grew horrified at the environmental impact of leather production while working in the Philippines in the1990s. Nor did she approve of the petroleum-based alternatives that are commonly used. At the same time, Hijos a noticed how some traditional...
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A fast-moving typhoon forced thousands of villagers to flee to safety in provinces south of the Philippine capital Monday, flooding rural villages and ripping off roofs, officials said.
1.(Plants) either of two shrubs,Erythroxylon cocaorE. truxiuense,native to the Andes: familyErythroxylaceae 2.(Recreational Drugs) the dried leaves of these shrubs and related plants, which contain cocaine and are chewed by the peoples of the Andes for their stimulating effects ...