We work on Saturdays and have a day off in lieu during the week. 我们每星期六上班,平时换休一天。 也可以说成change one’s shift to get leave later调换休息时间 补假 有调休,自然也有补假,补假的英语怎么说?其实英语里面有专门表示补假的短语,它就是time off in lieu(因超时工作而获得)补假, 可以缩...
轮休 rotate days off 调休 leave/ time off in lieu,in lieu 是代替的意思,leave in lieu 就是替换的休假,也就是调休了。那么,说到请假,该用什么短语和句式表达呢?请假:ask for leave 准假:agrant leave 超假:overstay one’s leave 告假:on leave 带薪休假:paid leave 批假:approve one's le...
☑和leave一样,在off前加上天数: e.g.你何不请几天假呢? Why don't you takea few days off? e.g.因为生病了,她请假两周。 She hadtwo weeks offbecause she was ill. (三) “调休”怎么说 ☑ 有的公司在节假日加班,工作日可以申请调休,这时候我们就可以用leave/ time off in lieu: * in ...
Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) Leave Giving people time off for extra work that they’ve done (above their contracted hours). Unpaid Leave Employees can take unpaid leave, which can be deducted from their salary if they have run out of other types of leave. ...
马上就是端午了。今年的端午节假期,周六、周日、周一连休三天,终于不用调休了。但是,你知道“放假”到底应该用holiday, vacation还是break, leave, off吗? 1. holiday 其英文释义是:a time when someone does not go to work or school but is ...
【有关假期的各种表达】annual leave 年假;maternity leave 产假;Paternity leave 陪产假;sick leave 病假;’personal leave 事假;marriage leave 婚假 ;funeral leave 丧假;menstruation leave 生理假; leave for religious holidays 宗教假 轮休;rotate days off;调休 leave/ time off in lieu ...
⼋、⽆薪假(TimeOffWithoutPay) 移民澳⼤利亚还可以休⽆薪假,只要是有充⾜的理由并且单位同意,那么就可以休时长⼀到两年的⽆薪假! 九、补休(Timeoffinlieu) ⼀般需要加班的公司才会有补休的制度。若是有必要加班的话,就可以补休。⽐如周末上半天,可以补休平时⼀个⼯作⽇。
An increased salary or time off in lieu. 或者涨工资或者休假。 ● 02. “休假”的英语表达? ● 休假可以分为很多种, 像我们平时周末及节假日可以用holiday和vacation, 这两个单词的区别在于: 1. holiday/vacation的区别 holiday是指因宗教节日或国家喜庆日而设立的法定“假日", ...
Replacement LeaveReplacement leave is sometimes referred to as “time-off-in-lieu” holiday. This means an employer provides additional paid time off from work instead of overtime pay whenever an employee works beyond their normal working hours, as agreed in the employment contract. In TimeTec Lea...
leave in lieu 调休 lieu[lu:] n. 代替 ,被占用的意思 in lieu of sth = instead of 替代的意思。leave in lieu 的意思就可以理解为替换的休假,不是在正常的时间内休假,那就是调休嘛。例句 I will take tomorrow off for leave in lieu.我明天要调休。Our manager didn’t agree my application for ...