LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (2023) Julia Roberts as Amanda, Ethan Hawke as Clay, Myha’la as Ruth and Mahershala Ali as G.H. CR: Courtesy NETFLIX LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (2023) Mahershala Ali as G.H., Myhala as Ruth, Julia Roberts as Amanda and Ethan Hawke as Clay. CR: Courtesy ...
Review:Even during this period of Netflix domination, it’s eye-catching to see some of these A-List names together on a streaming exclusive. It even features President Obama and First Lady Michelle among its producers. It could be viewed as a dire warning of things to come…or may be a...
"What You Leave Behind" is the final outcome of the huge arc we've had for the past eight weeks. But more than that, it's also the final outcome of the Dominion War we've had for the past two years. But, more than that, it's also the final payoff for character paths we've h...
In late August of 2016, the Tromp family of Silvan, Australia, abandoned the family berry farm and successful earth-moving business and went off the grid, albeit briefly. The members of the family left their cell phones, passports, and credit cards behind with no explanati...