leave the world behind opens in the united states on november 22 and elsewhere around the world two days later before making its netflix debut on december 8. it is the first fictional movie executive produced by barack obama and michelle obama through their higher ground productions company. ...
Psych thriller 'Leave the World Behind' debuted on Netflix's top charts, and fans are wondering what role Barack and Michelle Obama played in its production.
Sam Esmail's upcoming thriller for NetflixLeave the World Behindis quietly building up an impressive cast, now addingKevin Bacon(You Should Have Left, City on a Hill) andFarrah Mackenzie(United States of Al, Utopia) to an already strong group. They'll round out the previously announced stars...
With the president three hours behind schedule, but due to arrive momentarily, many people at one of the three inaugural balls seemed to be in good cheer as they milled about and snacked on meatballs and zucchini while posing for photos. “They tried so hard to stop him,...
An opinion piece in The Telegraph by Tim Stanley paints an intriguing picture of how the Democratic nomination for President might turn out, with a surprise nomination of Michelle Obama replacing President Joe Biden as the nominee. That would certainly change the dynamics of the election from a ...
“Football has given me a lot of experiences,” Daniels said early in the XFL season. “I’ve traveled the world, I’ve been awarded opportunities to be in different circles, I’ve had the chance to meet President Obama and go to Super Bowls, and it’s amazing. I’ve been able to...
But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become "kidults" (kid+adult). Being a kidult has become a lifestyle-choice among young people across Asia. Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fan...