网飞新片《断网假期》(Leave the world behind)已经于2023年12月8日上线播映。这部长达135分钟的电影,即便是用网飞提供的1.5倍速播放也毫不影响收看效果。所以除非你是茱莉亚·罗伯茨、伊桑·霍克或者是马赫沙拉·阿里的忠实拥趸,不建议浪费这么长时间去观看。但我本人也并不认为这部影片一无是处!只是过于平缓...
According to the study, the most popular movie on Netflix in the second half of 2023 was Leave the World Behind, the streamer's No. 5 most popular movie of all time. Released in December 2023, Sam Esmail's apocalyptic thriller registered 121 million views. Heart of Stone, the Gal Gadot...
ButLeave the World Behindhas nothing to do with Emmerich. It actually comes from former U.S. President Obama’s production house and based on a book by Rumaan Alam and written for the screen and directed by Sam Esmail, creator and director of the acclaimed Mr Robot television series. That...
Netflix USNetflixUS Netflix basic with Ads USNetflix basic with AdsUS GoProto customize …JustWatch Review byquasinber Leave the World Behind2023 ★★½ Watched07Dec2024 I thought it was going good but the end. What’s the point?? Why did i watch this??? And what happens? Is it ...
LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (2023) Mahershala Ali as G.H., Myhala as Ruth, Julia Roberts as Amanda and Ethan Hawke as Clay. CR: Courtesy NETFLIX LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (2023) Mahershala Ali as G.H., Myha’la as Ruth, Farrah Mackenzie as Rose and Julia Roberts as Amanda. CR: Cour...
Leave the World Behind is a dumb movie disguised as a smart movie, a middling thriller whose decorated cast and tricky camerawork can’t compensate for its undercooked, overwritten script. By Dylan Roth FULL REVIEW 10 chkwagner Dec 27, 2023 ...
Leave the World Behindfeels like it wants to say something that will scare us about the modern world, but a wavering tone and surface level characters let it down. For a movie that wants to have an impact, it really took a gamble – and lost – in ending on a weak gag. ...
Leave The World Behind is a thrilling work of apocalyptic tension, utilizing a stellar cast & Netflix budget to widen the breadth of the novel.
Leave the World Behind: Directed by Sam Esmail. With Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, Myha'la. A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices, and two strangers appear at their d
Netflix has unveiled a teaser trailer for the Sam Esmail thriller Leave the World Behind, starring Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Mahershala AliBy Cody Hamman October 2nd 2023, 9:08am Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail has assembled an impressive cast for his thriller Leave the World Behind that ...