Looking to watch Leave the World Behind? Find out where Leave the World Behind is streaming, if Leave the World Behind is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider.
ButLeave the World Behindhas nothing to do with Emmerich. It actually comes from former U.S. President Obama’s production house and based on a book by Rumaan Alam and written for the screen and directed by Sam Esmail, creator and director of the acclaimed Mr Robot television series. That...
Review:Even during this period of Netflix domination, it’s eye-catching to see some of these A-List names together on a streaming exclusive. It even features President Obama and First Lady Michelle among its producers. It could be viewed as a dire warning of things to come…or may be a...
leave the world behind opens in the united states on november 22 and elsewhere around the world two days later before making its netflix debut on december 8. it is the first fictional movie executive produced by barack obama and michelle obama through their higher ground productions company. ...
Leave the World Behindis the first movie executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their Higher Grounds Productions company. The former President and First Lady of the United States did not merely fund the film from afar, they were personally involved in the making ...
8The Leave The World Behind Movie Is More Clear About Its Apocalyptic Terrors The Threat Is More Immediate Thanks in part toBarack Obama'sLeave the World Behindrole, the film approaches its apocalyptic subject a bit differently than the source material does. In novel form, it's a bit easier...
Ethan Hawke, Mahershala Ali, Julia Roberts, and Kevin Bacon star in "Leave the World Behind," directed by Sam Esmail for Netflix.
Leave the World Behind: (Mac Quayle) With the support of former American president Barack Obama, the 2023 Julia Roberts production Leave the World Behind postulates that widening cultural divides in the United States will cause the country's destruction. The Netflix movie shows that process as a...
Leave the World Behind is a dumb movie disguised as a smart movie, a middling thriller whose decorated cast and tricky camerawork can’t compensate for its undercooked, overwritten script. By Dylan Roth FULL REVIEW 10 chkwagner Dec 27, 2023 ...