leave (someone) for dead的dead是什么词?dead的常见用法是形容词,所以看到leave (someone) for dead的for dead就有点打鼓,但它是使用的(14c晚期就开始用了),如 【例句1】His fellow climbers had left him for dead on the mountain. (他的登山伙伴们把他留在山上等死。)【例句2】The men beat h...
2. "Leave someone/something for dead"(撇下某人/某事物,认为其已死)。 - The hikers were left for dead in the wilderness. (这些徒步旅行者被丢在了荒野中,任人宰割。) - The company's outdated business model was left for dead by its competitors. (公司过时的商业模式被竞争对手基本淘汰了。) 3...
玛莎动不动就leave sb for sb? Mr Rushworth left her for a younger woman. 的女人。拉什沃思先生离开她,找了一个更年轻12.WHEN YOU DIE 临死Tto arrange for someone to receive your money, property etc after you die遗留遗赠;leave sb sth? Hugo left me his mother s ring. 雨果把他母亲的戒指...
[T] to let someone else decide something or be responsible for something 把…留交〔某人决定或负责〕;委托;交由 •He’s not the sort to leave things to chance (= take no action and just wait to see what happens ). 他不是那种心存侥幸的人。 leave sth to sb •Leave it to me. I...
leave (someone 或 something) standing[俚语]远远超过(某人或某物);大大优于(某人或某物) 22. leave (或 give) someone the bag to hold a. 让某人担全部责任;把责任推给某人 b. 让某人一无所有 23. leave someone to himself (或 to his own devices, to his own resources, to sink or swim)听...
(比赛,竞争)一开始就注定失败 be left for dead 1. 疑死(或必死)而舍弃 be left to oneself 1. 听其自由发展 妇女,如果放手让她们做想做的,会把世界变得美丽宜人。 women, left to themselves, would make the world a beautiful place to live in. leave someone/thing alone leave someone be 1. (...
Nightcore - When You Lose Someone 03:03 Nightcore - The New Me 02:10 Nightcore - My Favorite One 01:30 Nightcore - Love Me For Me 02:33 Nightcore - BAD HABIT 03:23 Nightcore - Skyline 02:44 Nightcore - I Did Most 02:12 Nightcore - Glimpse of Us 03:21 Nightcor...
leave someone back, to leave someone be leave someone behind leave someone behind, to leave someone cold leave someone down leave someone flat leave someone for leave someone for dead leave someone high and dry leave someone holding the baby leave someone holding the bag leave someone in leave ...
She needs someone there to cheer her on.cheer someone on:为某人打气,声援某人柯林斯英语释义:When you cheer someone on, you shout loudly in order to encourage them, for example when they are taking part in a game.例句:A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on. Most ...