睡醒的下午时分 一个下午,我听了edison woods的《SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF LEAVE NO TRACE》。 它会把你从一种精神状态唤醒,进入它营造的集中营。 你的呼吸会和上它的节奏,一紧一弛。 不会像听某些音乐时因投入而剧烈地摇晃自己的头,听它的时候,你的脑袋只会像刚睡醒后调节姿势那样地在枕头上蹭蹭。 音符是柔顺...
While the Leave No Trace Seven Principles began as a guide for remote backcountry users who generally camp overnight, the following guidelines apply to "frontcountry" users as well. "Backcountry" areas are those most often accessed by overnight users like backpackers, while "frontcountry" refers...
The Leave No Trace Seven PrinciplesLeave No TraceLeave No Trace. 2012. The Leave No Trace Seven Principle. Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. lnt.org/learn/7- principles
比起他们一年多前的处女作来,这张“Seven Principles of Leave No Trace”在保持精致优雅演绎的同时也拓展了更广阔的Space Roce音效领域,让整体作品更显丰满与复杂,有时你甚至能从“Was He A Poet”这样的作品中看到Dirty three对于打击乐和弦乐协奏的最温柔应用。九首作品自始自终保持着整体的和谐,Julia Frodahl...
The North American approach of 'leave no trace' has crossed the Atlantic to the UK. In the USA the organisation sets out to promote the ethic that will minimise human impact on public lands (https://lnt.org). The seven principles of the organisation focus on human behaviour during a visit...
.There should be rules to keep people from accidentally harming nature.In 1990,the Leave No Trace movement attempted to help.They introduced the following seven principles to encourage people to both enjoy and protect the great outdoors. ☆Plan (2)a head...
(1) this is opposed to the prima facie meaning; (2) it is unreasonable to insist that a symbol must always have the same connotation; (3) it is opposed to the idea of deliberate purpose underlying the action of the woman; . . . Parallel Commentaries ... GreekHe toldἐλάλη...
Martin was entitled to SABs because he was injured as a result of an "accident" within the meaning of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule. Further, it was determined that Mr. Martin's injuries arose directly or indirectly from the use or operation of his automobile. Certas appealed both ...