Leave It to Beaver: Créé par Joe Connelly, Bob Mosher, Dick Conway. Avec Barbara Billingsley, Jerry Mathers, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Dow. The misadventures of a suburban boy, family and friends.
It is to their credit that theBeaverstars, unlike so many other TV actors, didn't repudiate the program as a youthful folly or bewail careers putatively ruined by its typecasting. In this regard, too, none ofLeave It To Beaver's principals suffered the personal problems that befell, for ...
Beaver's Electric Trains: Directed by Hugh Beaumont. With Barbara Billingsley, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Dow, Jerry Mathers. After agreeing to let June give away his old electric train set to neighbor Johnny Battson, Beaver decides to pretend the trains are br
(till today) chat contact with a man saying he is a captain in Afghanistan. We also had contact through webcam, but I have never heard his voice or seen his face. He told me that it is forbidden for him to chat or have any other contact. I spoke to him the last four weeks ...