Many dog owners wonder whether or not they should leave food out for their puppies and dogs; therefore, it's important to know about the pros and cons of this feeding method.
Is Paternity Leave calendar or working days? The benefit consists ofseven (7) daysof leave credits with full pay. The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), through issuances, has interpreted the benefit as seven (7) calendar days, and not working days. Does Paternity Leave start the da...
from slavery to serfdom to big corporations. Actually, there's nothing wrong per se with a few getting rich off the labor of many, if the many are well-compensated. However, when the CEO makes over 400x as much as his lowest worker, when too many workers...
Dolezol over Dwyane Johnson. Why are black women always fawning over him? It’s clear from his movies and romantic choices he doesn’t like us!! Deanna Ford July 12, 2016 at 6:36 pm Thank you Tonia! He has yet to open his black mouth about any of these injustices perpetrated again...