Leatrix_Plus-1.15.63-classic.zip Supported Versions 1.15.5 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects 1.15.62 - 20th November 2024- For 'Enhance minimap', fixed the position and scale of the new SoD and anniversary LFG minimap button when using the square minimap setting.- Added flight ti...
All versions of Leatrix Plus are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which ishttps://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-plus. ...
There are now 1057 flight times stored in Leatrix Plus for Classic Era/SoM. 1.14.56 - 17th August 2022- For 'Show flight times' ('Interface'), the flight progress bar will now always hide when you land. The flight report window will now show if the minimum time difference between the ...
If you already use Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which ishttps://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-plus. You must do this to continue to receive updates of Leatrix Plus....
There are now 3726 flight times stored in Leatrix Plus for Wrath Classic. 3.0.07 - 14th September 2022- For 'Enhance tooltip' ('Interface'), if you use the setting to hide tooltips for world units during combat, you can now specify whether holding shift should override that setting or ...
Leatrix Plus是一个高效和模块化的插件,它提供了大量的生活质量改进,以增强燃烧远征经典的默认用户界面。聽Leatrix +也可供聽幻境聽和聽魔兽世界经典。 点击小地图按钮或输入聽/ ltp聽Leatrix +开放。聽一些选项没有配置按钮旁边进一步配置。聽削减命令的列表,输入聽/ ltp的帮助。 点击这里浏览所有插件由Leatrix。 特...
Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Plus are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...
Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Plus are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Plus for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...
- Added lots and lots of flight times. There are now 4122 flight times stored in Leatrix Plus for Wrath Classic. 3.0.10 - 28th September 2022 - For 'Automate gossip' ('Automation'), stable master gossip will now be skipped as long as there are no other gossip options. You can hold ...
源码地址:https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/leatrix-plus-classic v1.13.05更新:更新到作者最新06/19 v1.13.08更新:更新到作者最新06/23 v1.13.25更新:更新到作者最新08/26 v1.13.27更新:更新到作者最新9/5 v1.13.28更新:更新到作者最新9/11 ...