The T4 proves once and for all that big things do come in small packages. With all the assets of the T2—plus scissors, tweezers, and a heavy duty file—the T4 was designed with everyday problem solving in mind. It might just be our most universal tool to date. With FREE® technolo...
The Leatherman Micra is our most popular mini-tool with anglers, hobbyists and those who can appreciate the best spring-action scissors around. Personal care features that fit on your key chain are just part of what makes the Micra truly unique. Ten useful tools are packed into this tiny,...
Leatherman FREE K4 Multi-Purpose Knives Item #:L-2660$99.95 In Stock Option B Leatherman FREE K2 Multi-Purpose Knives Item #:L-2652$89.95 IN STOCK Store Hours Thu: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST Fri: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST Sat: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST ...
Scandinavian Knives, Puukko Knives and Leuku Knives at Lamnia. The largest selection, FREE shipping and speedy dispatch
Packing a punch, the Leatherman Wave multi-tool is seriously sharp and fully featured with easy-to-unlock blades and heavy-duty strength that can tackle any job you throw at it.
The full-size Leatherman Wingman multi-tool will be there for you when you face unexpected repair tasks, car troubles and outdoor emergencies. Don't leave home without your Wingman! Color: Stainless SteelColor:Stainless Steel Quantity
Leatherman将Free P4称为“有史以来最先进的多功能工具”。鉴于他们发明了该类别,因此我们相信他们。它在轻巧紧凑的包装中提供了惊人的21种工具,使用起来仍然舒适。除了标志性的普通和尖嘴钳外,它还包括标准和锯齿刀,均由420HC不锈钢制成。还包括剪线钳,剪刀,锯,撬工具,拆包机,锥子,锉刀,四把螺丝刀(菲利普斯和...
Still, there comes a time when you need more than a one or two blade folder and since I was introduced to the world of multitools in the late 80’s I’ve been a fan ever since. Nothing comes close to a quality multitool when you need sheer sturdiness and practicality in an EDC ...
在尺寸,重量和功能之间寻求适当的平衡是一项棘手的事情。莱瑟曼的Free T4正确无误。它紧凑且易于装袋,配有420HC落点刀片,弹簧剪刀,镊子,重型锉刀,撬工具,四把螺丝刀,其中包括一个十字槽,一个锥子,一个开罐器和一个开瓶器。它内置于俄勒冈州的波特兰市,并配有可方便拿取的口袋夹,并享有25年保修。刀片长度:2.2英...
701 0 05:48 App 莱泽曼ARC VS Free P4 功能对比 1454 0 00:41 App 绝版工具折刀。超强锁定,棘轮锁,任意角度都可锁止。像素低。还有黑色齿刃版。 2672 0 09:38 App Pichi, 好玩儿的小工具刀 2857 1 01:00 App 意大利刀匠 Reinhard Tschager 黄金折刀 钻石镶嵌 1.2万 15 09:03 App 夜鹰定制:美国...