1) Least significant difference 最小显著差法 2) the least significant difference 最小显著差数法 3) LSD[英][,el es 'di:] [美]['ɛl 'ɛs 'di] 最小显著差法的简称 4) LSDα 最小显著差数 1. It was for the first time suggested that Least Significant Difference(LSDα)could be use...
因此我们定义最小显着差异leastsignificantdifferenceLSD 第12章 變異數分析 變異數分析 統計實作人員比較兩個或更多個區間資料的母體,這個方法稱為變異數分析(analysisofvariance)。變異數分析:極為有用和普及的程序決定母體平均數之間是否存在著差異這個程序的喵是藉由分析樣本的變異數 第12章變異數分析第...
significant difference 显著差别,显著差异,显著性差异 Least Significant Digit 最低有效位数(=LSD)在任何数系中,对数值影响最小的数字,通常是最右边的数字。 least significant positions 最低有效位, 低数位 least significant bit 最低位,最低有效位 least significant byte 最低有效字节 least significant di...
a由表3的数据可以看出 Data may see by Table 3[translate] awas defined as p-valuese0.05. One-way ANOVA (Proc GLM) 被定义了作为p-valuese0.05。 单程ANOVA (Proc GLM)[translate] apopulation means. The least significant difference (LSD) test[translate]...
Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference[杜克的真实显着性差异](PPT-43) 热度: 相关推荐 Fisher’s LSD (Least Significant Difference) Fisher’s LSD is a method for comparing treatment group means after The ANOVA null hypothesis of equal means has been rejected using the ANOVA F-test. If...
(but see the section on the protected LSD test below). In this respect, it is quite different than the Bonferroni, Tukey and Dunnett methods. The Fishers LSD test is basically a set of individual t tests. The only difference is that rather than compute the pooled SD from only the two ...
5) LSD Least Significant Difference 最低有效差别6) LSB 最低有效位(LSB)补充资料:肺泡气最低有效浓度 肺泡气最低有效浓度 mininum alveolar concentration,MAC 在一个大气压力下,50%的人或动物对皮肤刺激不发生体动反应时,肺泡气内吸入麻醉药的浓度。以容积百分比表示。它是用数字来表示各种吸入麻醉药镇痛...
The protected Fisher’s least significant difference test does not completely control the family-wise type I (false positive) error rate. Stat-Ease, Inc. chooses to maximize the power of detecting true effects while allowing the family-wise type I error rate to grow slightly larger than the al...
John E. Kolassa
Hypothesis Testing > How to Calculate the Least significant Difference How to Calculate the Least Significant Difference (LSD): Overview When you run