4. in the least (usually used with a negative) in the slightest degree; at all: I don't mind in the least. adv the least superlative of little: they travel the least of all. adj of very little importance or rank [Old English lǣst, superlative of lǣssa less] Collins Englis...
That's where English gets a little bit confusing. 这就是英语有点混乱的地方。 So, "lesser" is about degree or quality, and then you can mix it. 所以,“lesser”是描述程度或质量,你可以混用。 But this is a much more or... 但这更多或者。。。 sorry, I should say less-commonly-used w...
Even though “x" is one of the least-used letters in the English alphabet (字母表), it appears throughout American culture, from Stan Lee's X-Men superheroes to the television series “The X-Files." The letter “x" often symbolizes something unknown. Just look at Elon Musk with Space...
WordReference English Collocations © 2025 little ⓘMost examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK. adj (the) little [girls, children] my little [brother, sister, boy, girl] poor little thing the little things matter ...
/ˈliːstweɪz/ (dialect or informal) used to limit or make what you have just said less definitesynonymat least It isn't cheap to get there, leastways not at this time of year. Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxf...
Word History and Origins Origin ofleast1 First recordedbefore 950;Middle Englishleest(e),Old Englishlǣst,superlative oflǣssa;less Discover More Idioms and Phrases Idioms at least,Alsoat the least. at the lowest estimate or figure:
根据文中 “One theory says that the Arabic word used for the quantity being sought was al - shayun... They represented this sound by the Greek letter 'x', which later became the Latin 'x'.” 可知,al - shayun 与数学中的 “x” 是有关系的。文中未提及 al - shayun 是阿拉伯语中最...
3.Used to emphasize a somewhat positive aspect following a negative one:The results weren't encouraging, but at least they were accurate. in the least At all:I don't mind in the least. least of all Particularly not:Nobody cared, least of all the manager. ...
Even though "x" is one of the least-used letters in the English alphabet(字母表), it appears throughout American culture-from Stan Lee's X-Men have chosen the letter "x" to appear often since the printing house had a superheroes to "The X-Files" TV series. The letter "x" often ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishthe leasta)the smallestamountWomen work in those sectors of the job market which pay the least.Which method causes the least damage to the environment?b)used toemphasizehow small something is, especially when it hardlyexistsat allI haven’t the least...