Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test 热度: Stock Dividend Is the Natural Choice of Strong Companies Based on Least Significant Difference Method 热度: Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference[杜克的真实显着性差异](PPT-43) 热度: 相关推荐 Fisher’s LSD (Least Significant Di...
Dividend policyStock dividendCash dividendLeast significant difference methodBased on related dividend theories, this paper uses the empirical data of Chinese securities market, constructs the sub-portfolios which consist of three samples including stock dividend, cash......
Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test 热度: Stock Dividend Is the Natural Choice of Strong Companies Based on Least Significant Difference Method 热度: Fisher'sleastsignificantdifference(LSD) Procedure: 1.PerformoveralltestofH: !"#> ...
1) least significant difference 最低有效位差2) LSB 最低有效位 1. In the proposed system,quantized DC coefficient and matching of LSB are used to achieve blind watermark detection. 本方案采用量化DCT系数和最低有效位匹配的方式进行水印提取。 2. This paper studies the classic method that is ...
difference n. 1.[C,U]不同,差别,区别 2.[U]差额,差 3.[C]意见分歧,不和 least recently used 【计】 最近最少使用的 least squares 【机】最小二乘法 difference product 差积 difference differentialequation 差分微分方程 最新单词 angle-offset method的中文释义 差角法 angle-off set(method...
Least Square Method Least Square Straight Line Least Square Support Vector Machine Least Squared Mean Difference least squares least squares least squares least squares Least squares adjustment Least squares adjustment Least Squares Approximate Inverse Preconditioner ...
Post hoc tests are statistical tests typically used following a significant result from another test. Some examples of post hoc tests are the Holm-Bonferroni procedure, Fisher's LSD, Tukey's HSD, and Scheffe's method. They are usually administer...
p An Improved Steganographic Method Based on Least-Significant-Bit Substitution and Modulus Pixel-Value Difference An image-domain steganographic method based on a least-significant-bit (LSB) substitution and modulus pixel-value differencing (MPVD) is proposed to hide d... HH Liu,YF Lo - 《Journ...
Least Significant Word Least Slack First least slack rule Least Solvent Likely Event least someone can do least someone could do Least splanchnic nerve Least Splanchnic Nerve Activity Least square Least Square Approximation Least Square Complex Exponential Least Square Cross Validation Least Square Method ...
Least Significant Word Least Slack First least slack rule Least Solvent Likely Event least someone can do least someone could do Least splanchnic nerve Least Splanchnic Nerve Activity Least square Least Square Approximation Least Square Complex Exponential Least Square Cross Validation Least Square Method ...