lease_time 用于设置心跳租约时长。 属性描述 参数类型时间类型 默认值10s 取值范围[1s, 5min] 是否重启 OBServer 节点生效否 Root Service 在心跳租约时长内未收到 OBServer 节点的心跳信息,则认为 OBServer 节点为脱机状态。 一般不建议修改该配置项。
lease_time 更新时间:2024-09-30 23:00:00 lease_time 用于设置心跳租约时长。 属性描述 参数类型时间类型 默认值10s 取值范围[1s, 5min] 是否重启 OBServer 节点生效否 Root Service 在心跳租约时长内未收到 OBServer 节点的心跳信息,则认为 OBServer 节点为脱机状态。 一般不建议修改该配置项。
The invention provides a time-sharing lease management system and method for an electric car, and the system comprises a vehicle-mounted terminal module, a positioning information module, a control center module, and a mobile terminal module. One end of the vehicle-mounted terminal module is ...
runtime microsoft.servicefabric.actors.remoting.runtime microsoft.servicefabric.actors.runtime microsoft.servicefabric.replicator microsoft...
The period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect. (动) As a verb Engage for service under a term of contract. Grant use or occupation of under a term of contract. Let for money. Hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services....
5. In the ‘DHCP Mode:’, select “DHCP Server” from the drop-down list. 6. Now, here you will see the “Max Lease Time:” option. The default value for this is 120 minutes. 7. Set this to “1200” or any value between 1-2880. ...
heading hold mode heading indicator Heading joint heading select feature head-in-the-clouds headlamp headland headlease headless headlight headlike headline headline rate headline-grabbing headliner headlinese head-load headlock headlong Head-lugged ...
City's car- renting services combined with the mobile internet, with control technology of intelligent vehicle, resulting in the new model time- sharing lease and wisdom travel, which is an effective way to save the social resources and optimize the traffic structure of large cities. The 43 rd...
要让一个 CSS 元素的高度始终跟随其宽度,你可以使用 padding-bottom 或 aspect-ratio 属性,具体取决于...
with the exception of the Apple Time Capsule which I use for my Mac Time Machine backup. This Time Capsule is in bridge mode, has wireless disabled and is wired to the network. The Time Capsule receives all its network settings correctly from the DHCP server except for the lease time which...