1. 解释“dhcps: lease host name not found”错误信息的含义 “dhcps: lease host name not found” 是一个在网络环境中,特别是使用 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) 服务器时可能遇到的错误信息。这条信息通常表明 DHCP 服务器在尝试为某个客户端(如计算机、移动设备或其他网络设备)分配或更新 IP ...
你可以在Pod中执行一些网络连通性测试,比如ping主机名,确保网络是通畅的。 通过以上步骤,你应该能够找到并解决 "lease host name not found." 的问题。记得在操作之前备份相关数据,以防意外发生。祝你好运!
dhcps: lease host name not found. 在Kubernetes(K8S)集群中,出现“dhcps: lease host name not found.”这样的错误是由于DHCP服务器无法找到主机名。DHCP是动态主机配置协议,用于自动分配网络参数,如IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关等。在K8S中,DHCP服务通常由Kubelet组件负责。 下面我会逐步指导你如何解决这个问题。首...
2 WARNING 0days, 03:22:45, [dhcps]Lease host name not found. 3 WARNING 0days, 05:09:20, [dhcps]Lease host name not found. 4 WARNING 0days, 05:12:23, [dhcps]Lease host name not found. 5 WARNING 0days, 05:35:19, [dhcps]Lease host name not found. ...
My System Log is flooded with this message : [dhcps]Lease host name not found. It's happening with all the devices connected to the router. I've also noticed when it happens with an IP, the device with that IP looses internet connection for a short period of time like 30 seconds...
59WARNING0days, 03:55:21, DHCPS: Lease host name not found.58WARNING0days, 03:04:01, DHCPS: Lease host name not found.57WARNING0days, 02:04:09, DHCPS: Lease host name not found.56WARNING0days, 01:03:07, DHCPS: Lease host name not found.55INFO0days, 00:02:20, DHCPS: Send ...
WARNING1da..WARNING1days, 05:15:17, DHCPS: Lease host name not found. 这个是个什么情况求大佬指导路由器日志里面的