Power engaging learning experiences, boost retention and fuel business growth with LearnUpon, a powerful LMS platform.
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使用名为 B.Simon 的测试用户配置并测试 LearnUpon 的 Microsoft Entra SSO。 若要使 SSO 正常工作,需要在 Microsoft Entra 用户与 LearnUpon 中的相关用户之间建立关联。若要配置并测试 LearnUpon 的 Microsoft Entra SSO,请执行以下步骤:配置Microsoft Entra SSO - 使用户能够使用此功能。 创建Microsoft Entra ...
LearnUpon Integration Overview Connect LearnUpon and HubSpot to deliver strategic education programs that help your customers understand, engage, and master your product, so they stick around for the long-term. By integrating your CRM and customer learning solution or LMS, you can: Build a branded...
“Summit brings deep experience scaling SaaS businesses, as well as a number of dedicated growth-focused and technology resources that we believe will help LearnUpon build on the momentum we have established in the market. We are excited for the opportunities...
LearnUpon是一个面向企业的在线学习管理系统,它允许你创建和提供在线课程。它具有电子商务、报告、考试和认证、SCORM和Tin Can支持、基于课堂的培训、移动学习、品牌和白标、用户和小组等功能。它提供六个定价选项。入门版、铜版、银版、金版、白金版和企业版。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称:LearnUpon Limited ...
爱尔兰公司LearnUpon完成5600万美元融资 鲸媒体讯(文/常晋)据《爱尔兰时报》报道,爱尔兰学习管理系统供应商LearnUpon完成5600万美元(4760万欧元)的少数股权投资。这是LearnUpon的首次大规模融资,由美国投资基金Summit Partners领投。LearnUpon成立于2012年,总部位于爱尔兰都柏林。该公司开发了一个基于云的学习管理系统。
|LearnUpon LMS It is very simple to learn the basics of the system. Creating a course is really easy and pretty straight forward. My team uses it daily. So far implementation of the LMS to our Firm has been very easy and our users have had good comments on the courses they have taken...
芥末堆讯 据《爱尔兰时报》报道,爱尔兰学习管理系统供应商LearnUpon完成5600万美元(4760万欧元)的少数股权投资。这是LearnUpon的首次大规模融资,由美国投资基金Summit Partners领投。 LearnUpon成立于2012年,总部位于爱尔兰都柏林。该公司开发了一个基于云的学习管理系统。迄今为止,1000多家公司使用该系统为员工、客户、合作...