For a 50% discount of your first month clickHERE, scroll down to the form I WANT TO LEARN*, and enter your email. Your subscription includes "Ripeti con me" (250 audio lessons from Beginners to Advanced), "Leggi con me" (600+ short readings with audio and translation), plus a host ...
Skillcrush is an online Bootcamp offeringwebsite development and web designfor beginners to learn skills to find a job. Students at Skillcrush get the choice of determining their pace of learning. Students can choose their specific three-month skill course or break them into Tech course packages, ...
Swahili, Xhosa, Zulu [ other sections ] Please noteNone of the items listed in this bookstore are supplied by Omniglot. When you click on the links here you will be taken to other websites where you can buy the items. If you have any questions about your orders or purchases, please ...