Tree-based models are increasingly popular due to their ability to identify complex relationships that are beyond the scope of parametric models. Survival tree methods adapt these models to allow for the analysis of censored outcomes, which often appear in medical data. We present a new Optimal Su...
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在决策树模型重用部分, CondorForest 算法首先根据模型库中模型的权重采样得到一棵决策树, 记为 ~\Tree\Tree~. 接着, 算法将通过模型重用机制学习得到一棵新的决策树. 具体而言, 模型重用阶段的主要任务是: 给定决策树 ~\Tree\Tree~ 及当前数据块 D = {(\xi,yi)}mi=1D = {(\xi,yi)}i=1m, 学习...
we generated simulations using the mean of the estimated posterior probability of each parameter, and computed D-statistics assuming different population tree topologies for stressing the impact of archaic introgression in Asian populations. Simulation results from ABC-DL for Model H replicate the empirica...
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[46] introduce recursive neural networks for predicting a tree structure for images in multiple modalities, and is the first Deep Learning method that achieves very good results on segmentation and annotation of complex image scenes. The recursive neural network architecture is able to predict ...
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H. Yang. Spatiotemporal background subtraction using minimum spanning tree and optical flow. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision, Springer, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.521–534, 2014. DOI: Google Scholar P. L. St-...
树匹配多样性(Tree matching diversity): 将一棵决策树变成另一棵树的最小的操作次数被定义为树匹配多样性。一共有三种操作可以被考虑,即插入,删除和替换。这个数是不大于两棵树的节点总和的,因此它是良定义的。 上述定义和树的编辑距离非常相似,但还是有一点区别,因为决策树的节点还有属性,当属性相同的时候,就认...