Kids (and adults!) watch videos, have hands on experience, listen to experts on a topic (or even just someone a little further along than us!) We have all sorts of meanings attached to the idea of learning to read. Some of it is helpful and a lot of it isn't. Hopefully, this ...
In view of the growing adult learner population in the USA, the traditional campus-based paradigm of higher education has been shifting towards more efficient innovative models that meet the needs of working adults. These particular needs include practical goals, increased motivation, high demands for...
Applying the LightGBM algorithm in machine learning, we were able to differentiate subjects with ADHD, obesity, problematic gambling, and a control group using all 26 items of the Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS-S: S) with a global accuracy of .80; precision (positive predictive ...
Learn to Read Hebrew! For the Adults Prior to Shabbat services we have beginning Hebrew classes for adults. Get a cup of coffee in the kitchen and join a class! Our goal is teach enough Hebrew grammar, syntax and vocabulary so you can begin to navigate in the original language. ...
True, during the course, one has to read and write some, but mostly one has to write what a word or sentence in the known language means in the target language, sometimes vice versa – which means one has to translate. As long as our brain needs to translate, the person can’t ...
In a series of three experiments, we examined how sentential and discourse contexts were used by adults who are learning to read compared with skilled adult readers. In Experiment 1 , participants read sentence contexts that were either congruent, incongruent or neutral with respect to a target ...
The Internet is increasingly frequented as a medium for sexual learning, especially by young adults within the US (Holstrom, 2015). Individuals often start with search engines to find answers to their sexual health questions, but are often concerned with the credibility of the online resources the...
While reading, children and adults alike must avoid confusing mirror-image letters (like b/d or p/q). Why is it difficult to differentiate these letters? When learning to read, our brain must be able to inhibit the mirror-generalization process, a mechanism that facilitates the recognition of...
Their self-regulation is not strong, so adults need to sit beside them, urging them [to concentrate] all the time. There are no peers around them, lacking a learning atmosphere, so children always want to play and cannot study well. (parent 13) Young children learning online is not good...
In the reading part, you have to read six different texts on paper, but that number may sometimes vary, and one can wonder what it will look like if they completely computerize the texts as well. The questions have to be answered on the computer screen, usually out of three possibilities...