The Harp is an ideal choice for adults playing an instrument for the first time. It can sound beautiful from the first encounter & is physically satisfying to play. A floor standing harp would be preferable, as the playing position is more comfortable than a lap harp. A good quality instrum...
CAME now to ocean the ever-courageous hardy henchmen, their harness bearing, woven war-sarks. The warden marked, trusty as ever, the earl’s return. From the height of the hill no hostile words reached the guests as he rode to greet them; but “Welcome!” he called to that Weder clan...
Its size can vary greatly from a harp that can be played in one’s lap to a full-size harp that is placed on the floorHurdy-gurdy: (also known as the wheel fiddle), in which the strings are sounded by a wheel which the strings pass over. Its functionality can be compared to t...
Lyre: its construction is similar to a small harp, although instead of being plucked, it is strummed with a plectrum. Its strings varied in quantity from four, seven, and ten, depending on the era. It was played with the right hand, while the left hand silenced the notes that were not...