The children of depressed3women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression.The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. 1.influence:to affect the way people behave or think ...
2015. "`They Just Don't Seem to Really Care, They Just Think It's Cool to Sit There and Talk': Laddism in University Teaching-Learning Contexts."... K Nichols 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 "It's just one of those things people don't seem to talk about..." women's experiences of soc...
The children of depressed3 women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. 1. influence: to affect the way people behave or think ...
(2014). `They just don't seem to really care, they just think it's cool to sit there and talk': laddism in university teaching-learning contexts, Educational Review, 9(10), 1-15.Jackson C, Dempster S and Pollard L (2015) "`They Just Don't Seem to Really Care, They Just Think...
Pair up students to discuss pairs of words that are similar, but not the same, emotion. For example, one student pair might receive this list, then ask what they think makes the feelings different? When class comes back together, share out new words or words they were stuck on...
People kept asking if I was taking care of myself. I never really had a good response. Eventually, I discovered there is no one solution for taking care of yourself, and it’s okay not to have a perfect answer when someone ...
It’s not just about the tech It’s important not to get too sucked into the transformational aspects of the technology itself. We must focus on the transformation of teaching, learning, and leadership. Placing a device in the hands of students and hoping for learning miracles to happen will...
Link to text version of graph of teacher-student skills priority gap “We work with [Tesla, Panasonic] and say, 'What are the skill sets you think our learners should have as they exit?' and while they talk about the academics, they also talk about these other essential qualities they ...
So we just wanted to tell people to not care about it. And about the question you asked, of course. Life is about ups and downs, but we just want to focus on ourselves. We kept doing this, and I think we will keep doing this. That’s our attitude. You found incredible...
Because we would not like to fail,learning from our mistakes is,in reality,very hard.It doesn't feel good.So we react to failure in emotional ways,like giving up on a task easily,telling ourselves we don't care whether we succeed,or finding fault with the task it...