“学会学习“(Learning to learn),又称元学习(Meta-Learing), 即利用以往的知识经验来指导新任务的学习,使网络具备学会学习的能力,是解决小样本问题(Few-shot Learning)常用的方法之一。 语境学习(In-context learning),完全依赖语言模型从预训练过程中习得的推理能力,通过上下文语境(task description)直接解决新任务的...
In-context learning在推理的时候输入任务的样例对,体感上似乎是让模型来了解这些任务,再对新的数据进行判断,但是在推理的过程中其实并没有对参数做更新。这种形式体感上有点让人摸不清楚模型为什么会有这种迁移到新任务上的能力,推理的时候输入的示例具体有什么影响也是个疑问。之前prompt方法有效果更多的是因为预训练...
源代码:github.com/facebookresearch/MetaICL 前言 “学会学习”或元学习,是利用过去的经验指导新任务学习,提升模型自学习能力的一种方法,尤其适用于小样本学习场景。语境学习强调通过上下文直接解决新任务,无需参数更新,但效果往往不如微调,且模板设计复杂。MetaICL旨在通过元学习简化这一过程。MetaICL...
[1] MetaICL: Learning to Learn In Context: https://aclanthology.org/2022.naacl-main.201/ [2] LaMDA: Language Models for Dialog Applications: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08239 [3] Finetuned Language Models are Zero-Shot Learners: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gEZrGCozdqR [4] Improving...
MetaICL: Learning to Learn In Context ~ https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.15943.pdf 平时有些同学做了很多实验,一到写论文就什么实验结果都想往论文里放。这里还是可以学习一下 Sewon Min。这三篇文章arxiv的时间跨度只有6个月,很多实验甚至是有overlap的,...
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their ability to learn in-context, allowing them to perform various tasks based on a few input-output examples. However, the effectiveness of in-context learning is heavily reliant on the quality of the selected examples. In this paper...
in-context learning区别于其他学习形式,如机器学习、深度学习、监督学习和无监督学习,后者的学习过程依赖于梯度更新模型参数。在in-context learning中,"context"意指上下文,即输入的数据背景。通过理解输入文本,模型从文本中获取知识和信息,不更新参数,单纯理解输入文本内容,并在后续对话中应用这些知识。对于未曾见识过的...
the course of a one‐year postgraduate programme and the importance of the interaction between learner identities and the contexts in which student teachers learn to teach: a relationship that is critical to our understanding of beginning teachers' development in whatever specific context it occurs. ...
The innovative learning method encourages us to learn words in context. What does “in context” mean? A. in a book B. in a sentence C. in a dictionary D. in a classroom 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。“in context”是在上下文中,B 选项在句子中是在上下文中学习单词的方式;A 选项在一...
known as In-Context Learning (ICL), is a method in the field of natural language processing (NLP) that has gained significant attention in recent years, especially with the emergence of large models like GPT3, Instruction GPT, and ChatGPT. The core idea behind ICL is to learn ...