It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him.At first he went bik ing alone in a n earby forest.The n he bega n to ride the bike along with a runner frien d.Gradually,Sa un ders set his mind on buildi ng up his body,i ncreas ing his spe...
the music, my core in it all. These are all the things that have gotten me by ever since I was a teenager in her room alone, trying to find some sort of semblance and connection to someone else (another artist or story), who felt the way she felt. And that was all that matters....
(Ulrike speaks Dutch fluently, having gone to school for two years in the Netherlands as a child. While her vocabulary started out as being somewhat limited, she always made a point of speaking Dutch with her sister, cousins and friends.) On our “Dutch days” she'll correct both my mist...
Business ventures can be full of missteps, mishaps and mistakes. No matter how savvy you are in business, you are bound to run into problems at some point. The key to your success is to quickly identify your mistakes, learn from them and prevent the same mistake from happening again, bel...
—and will— celebrate the tremendous growth of students that we’ve seen since September, but I also want to remain focused on our Board goal of helping EVERY child learn to read. There’s still time to make a difference, and I know that I’m not alone in my goal to do just that...
Sometimes, when they were very little, being with them could feel acutely, almost painfully lonely. Then, getting a moment to go to the grocery store alone was a reprieve, like a return to myself. All of that waiting, and yet now, I don’t quite know what I’m supposed to do with...
Although I think these images demonstrate two women being brave in big ways, I don’t think these are the only ways people change when they’re being brave. We change in ways that often go unseen. We change inside. To be brave means we need courage. The latin root of courage is cor...
Malte Mueller/Getty Images Baylor University psychologist-philosopher Michael Prinzing, answering yes, proposed that “acting proenvironmentally... doing something good for the earth” would provide a lift to people’s subjective well-being. To test his presumption, he first sampled more than 7000 da...
If, as children, we have overwhelming feelings and there’s nobody there to help us process, calm, or soothe them, we are alone with our emotions, without mature coping skills. As a result, the mind and body are forced to resort to creative ways of dealing with emotions on our own. ...
If we do not have access to quality healthcare, we don’t know what our blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose numbers are, let alone have someone who can help us move those numbers into heart healthy territory. If we live in a community with only a corner store and no...