Data were collected through focus group discussions with 24 children, individual interviews with six teachers and questionnaires completed by 48 parents in the preschools. The findings have conceptualised group as a complex interweaving of various elements, involving the dynamic tensions and relationships...
who had led the earlier parts of the workshop. But I still learned a lot and got to make cool things happen using, say, theTwitter API, and that was very neat. As designed, the workshop led me through small, basic exercises first (the equivalent of finger exercises in piano), then ...
Through the e-learning resource and the newsletters, the champions were encouraged to evaluate the implementation process. They were asked to reflect on their use of internal evaluation of the four intervention core components, as part of the strategy to foster a collaborative learning environment amo...
And summer is for play. Children learn through play. If you want your children to develop initiative, cooperation, and a passion for learning, you cannot foster that development by shoving worksheets at them. Instead, encourage their interests; listen to their questions and help them look for ...
Therefore, these Chinese parents need to update their knowledge and develop a new understanding of 'childhoods,' 'learning,' and 'play' through parental education or family-school partnership programs. The second cause might be the major shortcomings of online learning, as noted by the critics (...
When we moved to distance learning in March, I wanted to be sure that the opportunities I was providing for synchronous and asynchronous learning were filled with play. We know that children learn through play, and I didn’t want that to change with the switch to distance learning. Our ...
Through iterative and conceptual theme development, three main higher-order themes were identified in the data: agency, privacy and autonomy. This section discusses these three themes, illustrated by relevant quotes from the interview data. The participants are referred to as T1-16 for the teachers...
Play with ambiguity The danger with education comes from expectations for and a dependence on certainty – whether in knowledge, from skills, or through social relationships. Study, work, and life, when viewed through their uncertainties, can create room for an individual to discover their strength...
When we moved to distance learning in March, I wanted to be sure that the opportunities I was providing for synchronous and asynchronous learning were filled with play. We know that children learn through play, and I didn’t want that to change with the switch to distance learning. Our ...
When we moved to distance learning in March, I wanted to be sure that the opportunities I was providing for synchronous and asynchronous learning were filled with play. We know that children learn through play, and I didn’t want that to change with the switch to distance learning. Our ...