As an adult beginner on the violin, many times I’ve had to explain and defend my pursuit and my goals. Discouragement can feel relentless: “You do know that you’ll never be really good at it. You’ll never be a superstar,” is a common refrain, as if this is informative, or ev...
Fritz Kreisler tells how he once 1 a beautiful instrument he wanted to get.When he 2 raised the money for the violin, he returned to 3 it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) 4 . He went to the new owner's home in order to try to 5 him to sell the violi...
life expectancy 8 years briefer. Yet 58 percent of Americans responding to a Pew survey say “life in America” is worse today than 50 years ago; only 23 percent see it as better. A thriving economy perceived as worsening. More recently, the U.S. output of goods and services (the GDP...
I wanted the group spread out for the big battle, so I described four statues, each in the corners of the room. A gemstone was set in each statue, and from the gem, beams of energy burst out, powering the barrier to the chamber. Each stone was a different color, represented on the...
Lesson 1 Life-long Learning qualification secure blank swell suspect throat status chief saying n.资格,资历 adj.安全的,坚固的 adj.空白的 v.膨胀,肿胀 v.怀疑 n.咽喉,喉咙 n.现状,社会地位 adj.最高级别的 n.格言,谚语 postage airmail user instruct bury alphabet frankly speaking lay off...
Having previous musical experience can be a significant advantage when learning the piano as an adult. However, each instrument has its unique characteristics that might not translate to others. If you have some prior experience with another instrument, such as the guitar, violin, or bass, try ...
For Flo Marsden, aged 71, her weekly dance lessons play a more social role in her life. “It’s the togetherness of dancing that is the best. A keep fit class doesn’t get you so involved with others. When I go out shopping I see people from the lessons and say hello. It makes ...
theD. / 2. Kamin sat on the side of the river cooking a meal, ___a bird on his head. A. fromB. into C. aboutD. with 3. If you work harder, you'll have another___ to play the violin at a concert. A. sleepB. opportunity C. mistakeD. problem 4. You can go almost _...
Einstein’s mother,Pauline,was a talented pianist who brought music to life in the family home.Einstein began to learn the violin at the age of 6.However,he worked hard until discovering the joys of Mozart’s sonatas(奏鸣曲) at the age of 13.From that point on although he had no ...
⑤He enjoys listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. ⑥Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him. ⑦Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. ⑧He awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind o...