世界教育思想文库·教育:财富蕴藏其中 [Learning: The Treasure Within] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 “世界教育思想文库”精选了教育科学出版社历年来出版的经典教育理论译著,是为广大中国教师、校长和教育工作者精心烹制的思想盛宴。在这套书中,世界各国的教育思想大师和教育机构畅谈对教育的真...
Learning: The treasure within - prospects for education in the 21st century (La educacion encierra un tesoro. Perspectivas para la educacion en el siglo XXI). European Journal of Education, 2015. Vol. 50, num. 1, pags. 101-112. (Publicacion solo en ingles).R. Carneiro, "Learning: ...
Learning The treasure within德洛尔报告or学习,内在的财富
learning the treasure within KJEP 4:2 (2007), pp. 17-36 Opening up the ideologies in “Learning: The Treasure Within” * Moosung Lee University of Minnesota, U. S. A. Abstract A quarter of a century after the 1972 Faure Report, UNESCO’s International Commission on Education for the ...
Learning:the Treasure within 【以下三种方式,均可下载】 Learning:the Treasure within.pdf Learning:the Treasure within
1996年,“国际21世纪教育委员会”主席雅克·德洛尔(Jacques Delor)向联合国教科文组织提交了一份研究报告《教育——财富蕴藏其中》(Learning:The Treasure within)。在报告中,“国际21世纪教育委员会”着眼于广阔的国际经济、政治、文化背景和未来21世纪的发展目标,既从各国实际出发,又注意可行性,向高层决策者提供了一...
(2003). Lifelong learning in the global knowledge economy. Washington, DC: Author. Book Google Scholar UNESCO. (1972). Learning to be: The world of education today and tomorrow. Paris: Author. Google Scholar UNESCO. (1996). Learning: The treasure within. Paris: Author. Google Scholar ...
Delors, J., Mufti, I.A., Amagi, I., Carneiro, R. Chung, F., Geremek, B., Gorham, W., Kornhauser, A., Manley, M., Quero, M.P., Savane, M-A., Singh, K., Stavenhagen, R., Suhr, M.W., & Nanzhao, Z. (1996).Learning: The treasure within.Report to UNESCO of the ...
而关于 “Learning:thetreasurewithin”译为 “学习—— 内在的 要把儿童也包括成年人的教育囊括其中。他们想要表明这种教育不 财富”来说 ,可以注意一下,雅克 ·德洛尔为该报告写的序言的最后 仅仅教人们读写算,而且也为他们的生存和经济地位的提升,为他们 一段,英文原文是: 艺术地和有教养地表达 自己,为改善...
The Report of Jacques Delors-Learning,the Treasure Within was submitted to the UNESCO by the International 21st Educational Committee in 1996.The 4 pillars of establishing lifelong educational system put forward in this report have become the common objective of current international educational reform ...