Jean-Marc Meunier has translatedLearning Statistics with JamoviintoFrench Ethan Weedhas started work on aLearning Statistics with Pythonadaptation (this is a work in progress!) Róbert Fodoris working onLearning Statistics with Cogstat I have suggested that someone write aLearning Statistics with an ...
Web-version of "Learning statistics with jamovi" using (rST / HTML) Sphinx. The documentation is available at (and translations can be chosen by clicking at the menu that unfolds after pressing at «Read the Docs» at the bottom). Whoever would like to contrib...
Chapter 1: Why do we learn statistics? (pdf) Chapter 2: A brief introduction to research design (pdf) Chapter 3: Getting started with JASP (pdf) Chapter 4: Descriptive statistics (pdf) Chapter 5: Drawing graphs (pdf) Chapter 6: Introduction to probability (pdf) ...
The jamovi project. (2024). jamovi. (Version [Computer Software]. Retrieved from Hayes AF. Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new Millennium. Communication Monogr. 2009;76(4):408–20. Articl...
The collected data were calculated in an Excel sheet and computed using JAMOVI software (free version). Independent t-test statistics for the three summative assessments were evaluated, and the p-value of each assessment was determined. A p-value <0.05 was cons...
For quantitative analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics 28 was used to run the correlation between Points collected by online students and their skills, emotional, participation, and performance engagement separately. The correlation was also run to check the relationship between the number of collected Badges ...
We conducted all analyses with jamovi ( Table 1. Dashboard elements used as survey items in the sense-making survey used in the present study and descriptive statistics for the answers in the two experimental conditions: A. mastering the course and B. passing the ...
Mixed models were estimated with GAMLj (Gallucci, 2019) a statistics package, using the jamovi software suit (Jamovi, 2019). The mixed-effects models were estimated by a restricted maximum likelihood approach. Categorical covariates, as well as the cohort variable, were coded as dummy variables....
and Jamovi (The Jamovi Project, 2019) software were used for statistical analysis. Data analysis consisted of four steps. First, the distribution of the data was checked using descriptive statistics. Values of skewness and kurtosis was compared to the criteria value of |2.58|, which ...
First-level statistics were performed for each subject using a general linear model as implemented in SPM12. Brain activity of interest comprised the 4-s stimulus presentation that followed the start cue, including task and feedback time. Contrasts of the participant’s correct vs. incorrect resp...