但楼主的选择,不管是《Learning Python》还是learn Python the hard way》,听起来就很复杂,还可能是英语版的,也许楼主是想学习Python的同时,锻炼一下自己的英语水平吧,但实际上,可能会事与愿违,即没有学懂Python,也没锻炼到自己的英语。 纠正一下,《learn Python the hard way》中文译名就是《笨办法学Python》...
Ren"Py 用来做互动小说类的游戏,有点像在本书中你做过的游戏,但是这个是有图像的 Learn C The Hard Way 在你熟悉python语言之后,尝试用本书中的算法学习C语言,慢慢学 C 是不同的但很值得去学习的语言 选择一个上面的源代码,通读他们的所有说明手册和文档。当你阅读它的文档和代码的时候,输入所有的代码,并...
Learning Python其实是一本很好的书。虽然我一开始也抱怨写的太繁杂,但是这本书有个好处就是知识点是...
《Learning python 》讲的比较详细和系统些, 理解力好快速上手的话《Learn Python The Hard Way 》。
learning python the hardwayShaw, Zed a
Learn Python The Hard Way, 1st E... 7.9 Think Complexity 7.9 Python Programming 7.9 Developing Web Applications with ... 7.4 TopCoder Cookbook C++语言核心 7.7 C语言核心技术 8.4 High Performance Python 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部43 条 ) 热门 0 有用 零度调频 2010-03-...
Learning Python the Hard Way. Contribute to bupt-lxl/lpthw development by creating an account on GitHub.
Book: Learn Python The Hard way Book: Python 201 Book: The Python 3 Standard Library By Example Book: Writing Idiomatic Python 3 Calmcode: ray Codecademy: Learn Python Cognitiveclass.ai: Python for Data Science Datacamp: Python for R Users Datacamp: Python for Spreadsheet Users Datacamp: Import...
Learning python is hard. But it’s important… Even for R users like me that have built successful careers as a Data Scientist, Consultants, and Trainers. Even for future data scientists that are just starting out trying to get a leg-up in the job mark..
>>> S[-1] # The last item in S 'm' >>> S[len(S)-1] # Negative indexing, the hard way 'm' Notice that we can use an arbitrary expression in the square brackets, not just a hardcoded number literal—anywhere that Python expects a value, we can use a literal, a variable, or...