As engagement is one of the key antecedents of learning outcomes, fostering student engagement is essential for an organization to achieve desired outcomes. Designing an online learning system with the consideration of learning interventions is important to encourage student engagement. In addition to thi...
aIn addition, various reports and follow-up data on the costs of education and learning outcomes provided by the National Board of Education were used as sources of 另外,关于全国教育委员会和学习结果提供的教育费用的各种各样的报告和后续数据使用了作为来源[translate]...
The 52 faculty members were mainly knowledge transmitters and this contradicts with the notion of the learning outcomes, which is student-centered. In addition, they are not familiar with the teaching-learning theories or with the various pedagogical tools that may render learning constructive. ...
It can provide valuable insights for crafting precise and efficacious online learning strategies and pedagogical models aimed at enhancing student learning outcomes and bolstering students’ satisfaction with online education. As such, this study aims to investigate the impact of online learning ...
In addition, students who played the Magnetic Keyword game demonstrated quicker database searching for their topics and expressed increased satisfaction with their results. Conclusions – Games can be created which have measurable educational outcomes and are fun. It is important, however, to establish...
Personalization is among the most effective means for accelerating academic and cognitive growth. In addition to cognitive gains, student-centered learning models can provide opportunities to develop and apply social emotional skills, as well as a strong sense of agency and autonomy. One requirement fo...
Concerning first-year study success, the differences between groups were examined by the Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars (BCH) approach for 3-step mixture modelling with continuous distal outcomes (Mplus-option: AUXILIARY IS BCH) (e.g. Bakk et al., 2013). The BCH procedure was chosen because it ...
However, it is possible that some practice of the modelled strategies is needed before an improvement in learning outcomes may occur. Thus, we predicted that participants who studied a learning-journal example would gain more knowledge than participants without a learning-journal example in the ...
Effect of different fluency manipulations on learning outcomes, metacognitive judgment and cognitive load was assessed in the current study. Undergraduate students were assigned randomly to the disfluency conditions in a computer-based learning environment. Working memory capacity, prior knowledge, cognitive...
Prediction of learning outcomes from neural activity during lectures Our first goal was to predict learning outcomes from brain activity during lecture videos. To this end, we calculated neural alignment-to-class across all lectures, comparing each student’s response patterns to the mean response pat...