Authentic assessment should therefore focus on what the student can do and in line with the learning outcomes and learners’ activities based on the outcome-based and Constructive alignment models. The outcomes-based model originated from the ‘assessment movement’ in the mid-1980s in the United ...
However, for informal communications like a video call to qualify in this rubric, they need to have an outcome related to the learning goals of the activity. For example, do learners produce a summary of what they've learned through the video call or build that learning into the final ...
④ Consequently, if the same or a similar situation were to arise again, decisions could be made more expeditiously and the necessary actions taken to prevent another unfavorable outcome.(因果论证:通过前面的自省和原因分析,可...
When students’ perceived position in the system matches the target characteristics predicted by the system, they will rate the teaching activities higher (Bretschneider et al., 2012). This study also confirms the positive impact of online learning adaptability on satisfaction towards online teaching, ...
Pause the reenactment at key moments to ask reflective questions, such as, “Why would this decision have been controversial?” or “How might this have affected the outcome of the war?” Follow-up:Conclude with a discussion in which students reflect on their roles, share what they learned,...
Like Pavlov, Skinner showed the power of association, positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement in learning. For Skinner, the association between a positive reinforcement or punishment and a certain outcome will allow teachers to sculpt a child’s behavior. ...
outcome bins. Triangles represent excised subtrees. Each reaction-outcome bin contains a reaction-outcome value (3 or 4) and the number of reactions assigned to that bin (shown in parenthesis). Bins containing the most successful reactions and their associated synthesis paths are identified and ...
For Hypothesis 3 – the increase of the learning outcome through a look-up design element – our results showed that the group given this design element performed significantly better than the non-game material group in all three measures. In terms of usage, the players received it even better...
activities that foster “sense-making” and “understanding,” wheresense-makingrefers to the set of (meta)cognitive processes that support construction of coherent mental representations of the learning material, andunderstandingrefers to a type of learning outcome that allows learners to generate ...
To ensure the prediction outcome was not affected by overlapping of training and testing data, 20% of variants in the library from the experimental dataset were randomly subset and withheld a priori, and had never been fed to the MLDE algorithm. Regardless of the little increase in diversity ...