The meaning of MACHINE LEARNING is a computational method that is a subfield of artificial intelligence and that enables a computer to learn to perform tasks by analyzing a large dataset without being explicitly programmed. How to use machine learning in
《Machine Learning and Probabilistic Graphical Models Course》 介绍:Buffalo大学教授Sargur Srihari的“机器学习和概率图模型”的视频课程 《Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms》 介绍:耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授Shai Shalev-Shwartz和滑铁卢大学教授Shai Ben-David的新书Understanding Machine Learning: F...
《Machine Learning and Probabilistic Graphical Models Course》 介绍:Buffalo大学教授Sargur Srihari的“机器学习和概率图模型”的视频课程 《Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms》 介绍:耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授Shai Shalev-Shwartz和滑铁卢大学教授Shai Ben-David的新书Understanding Machine Learning: F...
reddit这个网站大家可能不太熟悉,但是它已经全美流量排名第四,仅次于Google,YouTube和Facebook,上面内容质量很高,非常专注,下面这个地址是机器学习的subreddit:。 第一个月:数学 线性代数 看Gillbert Strang教授的教程足够了:
Chris Bishop: So, really, we take a very bottom-up view in that we hire very smart, creative people and give them a lot of flexibility to go and explore the many different frontiers of machine learning. But part of it, too, comes back to this multi-disciplinary approach. So, one of...
In this paper, we use a dataset collected from Reddit, containing posts from different sub-Reddits, to extract and interpret meaningful insights using natural language processing techniques followed by supervised machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model to analyze different states of ...
Machine Learning group at Microsoft Research, NYC research covers ML topics from interactive data (e.g., contextual bandits and reinforcement learning) to interpretability and fairness.
Reddit Another great way to keep track of important advancements that have been posted to arXiv and other sources is to keep an eye on the conversations happening within the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence sections of the Reddit discussion forum. Readers will find links to recently pub...
3. Reddit的诞生:从被拒绝到成为互联网不可或缺的工具 Reddit的创立背后有着一段颇具传奇色彩的故事。
最近闲下来又看了点ELM方面的资料,关于ELM在reddit有一些讨论:Downsides to Extreme Learning Machines?