官方网站:https://www.coursera.org/learn/ruhe-xuexi cousera评分: 4.9/5 标签:自我提升,学习方法,神经科学,公开课 讲师 Dr. Barbara Oakley Dr. Terrence Sejnowski Hong Chee Joo B站在线观看 课程信息 本课程将介绍各领域专家所使用的学习方法,他们包括艺术家、文学家、数学家、科学家、运动员和很多其他领域专...
In this module we’re going to talk more about important ideas and techniques that will enhance your ability to learn. You’ll also discover how to more profitably interact with fellow learners, how to recognize your own strengths, and how to avoid the “imposter syndrome.” Fighter pilots ...
This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) inform...
learining how to learn是 coursera上的一门镇楼神课。他教你如何更加有效的学习,适合作为我的MOOC之旅的开端。。。 W01 介绍,大脑的两种工作模式 大脑工作分两种: 发散模式 和 集中精力模式。当以调用已经有的知识解决一个具体问题的时候,一般处于集中模式下,比如做乘法,编诗歌。 当你需要解决一个全新的问题的...
强力推荐的Coursera课程 “learning how to learn”. 这门课的一个主要观点是 diffuse mode thinking (如常规的身体锻炼) 对提高思考和学习能力有很大帮助。我实践了一两个月,感觉效果很好。工作中遇到的问题都更容易梳理解决。我们目标只有一个:了解大脑的工作原理,以便更好的学习。
Topics covered include the massive open online course (Mooc) called Learning How to Learn, the effectiveness in communicating learning techniques, and what students can get from online learning.ParrChrisEBSCO_AspTimes Higher Education
Learning How to Learn (LHTL) is currently one of the world’s most popular massive open online course (MOOC), with nearly 2.5 million registered learners in its first 4 years. Here, we “reverse engineer” the design of the course’s videos to show how c
Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects 第一周笔记第1周 ps.斜体部分为自己的点联想,未必正确 参考教材《A Mind For Numbers》 两种思维模式 Focused Mode(集中思维模式?) Diffuse Mode(发散思维模式?) 老师拿弹球游戏来举例子(PS. Metaphors(比喻)和analogies(类比)有...
A. Massive Open Online Course B. Most Outstanding Online Class C. Magnificent Open Online Classroom D. Major Online Open Course 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。“MOOC”是“Massive Open Online Course”的缩写,指大规模开放在线课程。现在越来越多的人通过 MOOC 进行学习。反馈 收藏 ...
Diffuse mode: when you need to develop some thought pattern you didn't have before. Connection goes widely, and gets bigger picture. learing_to_learn_1-1_2_modes.png You cannot be in 2 modes at the same time. Check the statements that fit best to the diffuse (as opposed to the focus...