Learning How to Learn Good evening. Today's lecture is about the phrase "learning how to learn". I remember reading that learning how to learn is one of the best skills you can develop. That phrase "learning how to learn" got stuck in my head and I turned that concept over and over...
This puts you back to the second stage, education which then leads to the third stage-application, which leads again to the fourth stage, refinement and on and on and on. This cycle is where the majority of learning takes place. After the action is taken, they want to learn how to do...
mentor 导师;教师 There are some basic overall methodologies to learning. It really begins first with choosing the right subject. This is key. This choice alone can determine how much you are willing to learn. You have to develop a love for learning and that becomes really easy when you love...
This puts you back to the second stage, education which then leads to the third stage-application, which leads again to the fourth stage, refinement and on and on and on. This cycle is where the majority of learning takes place. After the action is taken, they want to learn how to do...
【53集全】加州大学女教授 Learning How to Learn(中英字幕)共计53条视频,包括:【001】01-集中与发散思维概论、【002】02-课程结构介绍、【003】03-利用集中与发散思维等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【英专八级听力训练】Learning How to Learn (1/3) 听力简介: Hints: get stuck in 陷入 minimum 最低限度 挑错反馈 听写 原文 译文 注解 时长:01:37 难度: 人数:355人 标签:专八 听力 How to learn 听写 发布:2014-02-12 奖金:10沪元 贡献:aiyoweiyohu MP3下载:电信 | 网通 | 教育网 ...
Learning How to Learn(中英字幕) 物华弥新谷雨公测今日开启!上线免费30连! 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 置顶英语日常口语90集全: 【英语日常口语合集】01-90(中英文字幕) 英文故事有声书600集全: 【1000集全】英文有声书 英文故事 口语听力纯干货 ...
Learning how to learn 这句听不懂 ({{filtersLength}}) The browser version you are using is too old and does not support audio playback. Please use a modern browser such as Chrome. < > {{showSentense?"√":" "}}字幕 音频 视频 选集 X {{playbackRate}} 全部句子 {{current...
知识模块:听力 10.【B10】 正确答案:Compare 解析:在After taking notes方面,演讲人提到了两个方面:①尽快回顾和改写所记录的内容;②与其他同学对比笔记内容。题目考查第二个方面,即compare notes。知识模块:听力 听力原文:Learning How to Learn Good evening. Today’s lecture is about the phrase“learning how...
最后,自己再把整个句子连续起来说:“Welcome to Winkey Philosophy Podcast where you'll finally get great philosophers' works broadcast in English”。如果能够成功把这句话说出来,则进行下一句模仿,如果不能则倒退再听一次这个句子,直到能够成功说出它为止,接着进行下一句模仿。 (5)通过步骤(4)完成了这个听力...