Learn a Language with free online language lessons, interactive games, and fun lessons. Learn up to 8 foreign languages with Visual Link Languages. Pick a language and start learning.
1,215 Hebrew phrases with Nikud (vowels) and audio, transliterated and translated into four languages. Dictionary.co.il: Free online Hebrew dictionary: Thousands of Hebrew words and translations, many with transliterations (written with English letters) and/or audio pronunciations by an Israeli. H...
With English with SuperMemo, which we propose, not only online but also offline learning will be possible, and the first month of subscription for a free and extremely effective method of intelligent repetitions will satisfy the most demanding customers. Want to quickly learn a foreign language?
Free language learning resources from Transparent Language. Word of the Day. Language and Culture Blogs. Proficiency tests. And more.
Free language learning resources from Transparent Language. Word of the Day. Language and Culture Blogs. Proficiency tests. And more.
Learn languages from movie subtitles... Choose two languages then a movie or tv show to be quizzed on its subtitles. Choose the language you want to learn:
Regardless of your why, becoming fluent in Spanish, Greek, Chinese, or Hebrew is now more accessible and convenient—all because there is an abundance of language learning apps and software available. Learning a foreign language through these tools is quite helpful. The lessons are literally right...
Russian language courses are not the only ones we offer. We have almost 300 courses and 24 languages, so everyone can easily choose the perfect one for themselves. The first month of subscription is free, and learning Russian online and offline will meet the expectations of all those who drea...
Explore the Qlango App and Learn the preferred languages with the Immersive, hands-free, flashcards, guided, and interactive language learning app online for free including games for adults.
Irish, Danish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Esperanto, Polish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Welsh, Arabic, Latin, Hawaiian, Scottish Gaelic, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, English, and even High Valyrian (yes, the fictional language family in George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels)!