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寫到這裡, 已腰酸背痛, 明天起放4天假, netflix 我來了! (more…) Connected by English 英語教室裏的文化交流 It has been an honour to share my experiences in bringing in the world to EFL classrooms with my fellow teacher friends. You may find the info and resources mentioned in the workshop...
因为负责做Netflix的内容视觉上喜欢27百万个订户的您全世界,这个角色将要求一只创造性和重要眼睛。 您的工作在产业时将使您演奏以新的概念和想法,当工作沿着某些最向前的想法的设计师。 如果这个机会为冲击和创造性的自由感兴趣您,让我知道,因此我可以分享更多。 [translate] a美容业和一般的上班族相比较,工作时...
but it was a weird kind of model.It was a model where at the top you had a restricted Boltzmann machine, but below that you had a Sigmoid belief net which was something that invented many years early.So it was a directed model and what we'd managed to come up with by training these...