汉语学习资源 Chinese Learning Resources from learningchinesethroughstories.com ChinesePod: The Best Way to Learn Mandarin Chinese Online ChinesePod: the Official Blog BBC-Languages-Real Chinese CCTV Learn Chinese Chinese Multimedia: A Supplementary Chinese Course at Elementary-Intermediate Level ...
This study aims to elaborate the way of adapting stories for teaching English to young learners with specific reference to brain-friendly learning. Having analysed both peculiarities of stories for children and the philosophy of brain-friendly learning theory the researcher adapted four original stories...
How you learn Englishas a beginner will depend on many factors. Yourmotivation(the reason you want to study English),goals(what you want to achieve or accomplish by studying English) andresources(something you can use to benefit you) will help you figure out what and how to study. Know Yo...
English.考相应可采小组内分工 2)Set1learninggoalaccordingto纳的学习方合作完成任 oneofthedifficultiesofhim/her.法,实现学以务,将所学应 3)Putforward3effectivesuitable致用。用于解决实 learningapproachestohelphim/her际问题。 achievethegoal. 4)Concludeyourideasonthepaper andpickanothermembertomakea present...
CoreNLP - Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words. Stanford Parser - A natural language parser is a program that works out the grammatical structure of sentences. Stanford POS Tagger - ...
Why are storiespowerful? Stories are ancient. (Ancient means very very old) for thousands of years, humans learned through stories. Before writing, people learned history, science, and religion with stories. (also see:Storytelling to learn English) ...
Funny Movie Clips to Learn English Watching full funny movies is a great way to learn English. If you don’t have the time for a full movie, though, you can always just watch the funniest parts! Tolearn English through comedy, you can choose a movie you’ve watched, and watch the fun...
Using an ice-breaker – examples can be found athttp://smartstorming.com/downloads/SmartStorming_25%20Great_Icebreakers.pdf Showing an engaging video and then having a discussion about it. Telling a story, using comics or humor. (For more about the use of stories, seeStorytelling Is Not ...
Find more stories through the categories in the menu at the top, or browse through even more videos, sorted by topic, on EFE’s YouTube page. 7. TV Azteca Country: Mexico Azteca is Mexico’s second-largest media company. It has an international branch that broadcasts in parts of Central...
English as a foreign language; sustainable learning; remote learning; teacher development; higher education1. Introduction With the spread of COVID-19 worldwide, teaching and learning have occurred remotely and on digital platforms. Many universities and school systems around the world switched to ...