Spark (2018b) Apache Spark—fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. Accessed 22 Sept 2018 SPSS (2018) SPSS. Accessed 25 Feb 2018 Su P, Ding X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Zhao N (2017) Predicting blood ...
Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR Engine. imutils - A library containing Convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python. PyTorchCV - A PyTorch...
(1) It is needed to use deep architectures to efficiently learn the complex functions, which is able to achieve better generalization performance for the classification tasks. (2) A deep model is more able to reveal the characteristics of the input data. (3) The DNN can be effectively built...
Bruner thought that discovery learning has several functions: (1) increasing intellectual potential, (2) enabling external motivation to become intrinsic motivation, (3) being good at discovery, and (4) helping to maintain memory of the learning materials. ...
When this data structure is given to an inference engine, it’s compiled into ML code, which is then executed to perform the actual computation. Let’s implement the model in three steps: define the skeleton of the plates over players and games, define the content of the player plate, ...
The curricular area of “Environmental Studies” [11] can still be the motive and the engine for this type of learning. Consequently, it could be example of practicing interdisciplinarity among other fields of primary education in Portugal. According to Ref. [15],“if several subjects are groupe...
Thus, there should be a case base to store cases, and a search engine to search for similar cases. Appendix A.2. Example of Decision Tree Appendix A.2 is an example of the decision tree for sentiment analysis of phone product reviews. Sellers can input customer comments to analyze their ...
RL loss functions (20), (27) can be complemented with additional information, in order to enhance the learning process. In the crowd navigation problem, the dual nature of the information that should be learned (map and strategy) allows for the use of extra information, besides the rewards....
vespa 3.2k Vespa is an engine for low-latency computation over large data sets. deep-voice-conversion 3.2k Deep neural networks for voice conversion (voice style transfer) in Tensorflow lightfm 3.2k A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm. machine-learning 3.2k Content...
not primarily rely on datasets used for evaluation purposes but focuses more on aninstance by instance trainingwith adaptations based on the feedback ofreward functions. A simple example of such a reward function is thevalidity of a solutionor theshare of violated constraintsin a proposed solution...