Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderLearning disabilityDiagnostic codeMachine learningValidationBackground To develop and evaluate machine learning algorithms to ascertain attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) and learning disability (LD) using diagnostic codes in the medical record. Method Diagnoses of ADHD...
MathDisorder(ICD-10andDSM-IV codesF81.2-3/315.1) •Sometimescalleddyscalculia,difficultiesisseen inlearningmathconcepts(suchasquantity, placevalue,andtime),difficultymemorizing mathfacts,difficultyorganizingnumbers,and understandinghowproblemsareorganizedon ...
Associated with a known medical or genetic condition or environmental factor (Coding note: Use additional code(s) to identify the associated medical or genetic condition.)Associated with another neurodevelopmental, mental or behavioral disorder (Coding note: Use additional code(s) to identify the ...
The prevalence of mental disorders is ubiquitous globally, with estimated one in three individuals experiencing a mental disorder in their lifetime [1,2,3]. Global prevalence of mental disorders increased by 48.1% from 1990 to 2019 [4]. In 2019, approximately 970 million people worldwide suffere...
Individualized prediction of psychiatric readmissions for patients with major depressive disorder: a 10-year retrospective cohort study ArticleOpen access23 April 2022 Background The prevalence of mental disorders is ubiquitous globally, with estimated one in three individuals experiencing a mental disorder ...
Parkinson’s disease is the world’s fastest-growing neurological disorder. Research to elucidate the mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease and automate diagnostics would greatly improve the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Current diagnosti
Laryngitis Inguinal hernia Cerebral pals Autistic disorder Pelvic inflammatory disease Thymic cancer Heart and lung transplantation We collect heterogeneous medical knowledge from two sources. The first is structured knowledge from DiseaseKG2, an open-source Chinese medical knowledge graph archived in OpenKG...
14,41-44 Overdose was defined with either an opioid overdose code as the primary diagnosis (80% of identified overdose episodes) or other drug overdose or substance use disorder code as the primary diagnosis (eTable 3 in the Supplement) and opioid overdose as the nonprimary diagnosis (20% ...
AD is one of the most common causes of dementia, a neurodegenerative disorder of the cerebral cortex and limbic system that results in mild cognitive decline and memory loss. Among the ten high-probable repurposing candidates, there were four anti-depressive drugs and five ADHD/narcolepsy treatments...
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency associated liver disease (AATD-LD) is a rare genetic disorder and not well-recognized. Predicting the clinical outcomes of AATD-LD and defining patients more likely to progress to advanced liver disease are crucial for better understanding AATD-LD progression and promoti...