Lawson JS, Inglis J(1989):Learning disability in adults: A comparison of two indices of differential cognitive impairment derived from the Wechsler scales. J Clin Psychol 45:106-114Lawson JS, Inglis J (1989) Learning disability in adults: A comparison of two indices of differential cogni...
Insight offers counseling and wellness programs for both children and adults. Licensed professionals incorporate conventional and holistic services to nurture better health. Testing Overwhelmed by learning disabilities? Insight’s staff has a wealth of knowledge that can provide you with the most up to ...
She realizes that her learning disability causes her to become easily overwhelmed in school. Additionally, she's not sure how to proceed with class registration. Some discussion questions may include: What is Mary's main problem? Who could Mary speak to in order to get some good advice?
Living with a learning disability at any age can make most of life's everyday activities challenging. For adults, the ability to start a simple task or schedule your weekly calendar is next to impossible when a learning issue is in play. Fortunately, there are many ways to address this typ...
Learning Disability Practice: Opinion - Welcome to RCNi Opinion, home of insightful comment and reflection about nursing and health care. Our contributors come
Adults with learning disabilities are ten times more likely to be blind or have impaired vision according to researchers from Lancaster University. Professor Eric Emerson and Dr Janet Robertson of the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University have carried out the first ever overall ...
Learning Disability Practice: Newsroom - Keep up-to-date with all the latest nursing and healthcare-related news, opinion, and events within our noticeboard.
Adults with a Learning Disability Living with Elderly Carers Talk about Planning for the Future: Aspirations and Concerns The majority of adults with a learning disability live with family carers, many of whom are ageing and have support needs of their own. Planning for the fu... L Bowey - ...
Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Learning Disorder, IQ, intelligence Testing for children & adults in Michigan. Cogmed Working Memory Training
Academic and Cognitive Abilities in Children of Parents With Bipolar Disorder: A Test of the Nonverbal Learning Disability Model It has been hypothesized that children who are at genetic risk to develop bipolar disorder demonstrate deficiencies consistent with the syndrome of nonverb... Patricia,McDono...