The Simulated Patient Bank Team within the Clinical Skills Centre at the University of Dundee has for some time been interested in devising an educational programme on the subject of learning disability (LD) for undergraduate medical students. Both local and national major adverse events involving ...
Oliver, M.: A new model of the social work role in relation to disability. In: Campling, J. (ed.) The Handicapped Person: A New Perspective for Social Workers?. RADAR, London (1981) Google Scholar Oliver, M.: The Politics of Disablement. Macmillan, Basingstoke (1990) Book Google Sch...
Mother and Infant Research Unit, School of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom Mary J. Renfrew Graduate Entry Medical School and Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Jon Salsberg Center for Participatory Research, College of Populati...
Therefore, as a consequence of these pandemic limitations, the generation or retrieval of (anonymised) data from the different defined events had to be finally performed by a group of participants from the project technical team. The group consisted of 3 people (2 women and 1 man), aged 26,...