learning disabilitymental retardationThis contribution discusses the aetiology of learning disability. Learning disability, termed 'mental retardation' in ICD-10, is defined as significantly below average general intellectual functioning (IQ < 70), accompanied by deficits or impairments in adaptive behaviour...
Nonverballearningdisability[this disorderisnotlistedintheICD-10] •Nonverballearningdisabilitiesoftenmanifestin motorclumsiness,poorvisual-spatialskills, problematicsocialrelationships,difficultywith math,andpoororganizationalskills.These individualsoftenhavespecificstrengthsinthe ...
一、学习障碍的概念 学习障碍(Learning disorder,DSM-Ⅳ)为现代医学诊断分类概念;又叫学习技能发育障碍(Academic skill development,ICD-10),特定..
摘要: In the revised diagnostic systems ICD-10 and DSM-IV Asperger's syndrome is listed as a subgroup under Pervasive developmental disorders. It has been argued that persons with this syndrome have similar characteristics as high functioning autists. The knowledge now...
Although extant research points to NonVerbal Learning Disability (NVLD) as a distinct disorder, it is not included in the diagnostic nomenclatures, and there is heterogeneity in how it is defined. We formed a working group to gain consensus on a standard DSM type definition for NVLD, a necess...
A small group of elementary school students (age 10.4 to 13.10 yrs) with specific developmental disability of scholastic skills (app. F81.0/81.3 according to ICD-10) was retested by REVISK (locally standardized approximate of WISC-III) within, in average, 3 yrs post diagnosis, for detecting ...
Patient sociodemographic characteristics included age, sex, race/ethnicity, disability as the reason for Medicare eligibility, receipt of low-income subsidy, and urbanicity of county of residence. Health status factors (eg, number of emergency department visits) were derived from the literature and are...
Specifically, disorders such as developmental disability, depressive disorder, and anxiety disorders3 as well as disorders associated with emotion dysregulation, a common symptom in ADHD4,6, co-occur with adult ADHD. For instance, personality disorders, especially borderline personality disorder (BPD) ...
Therefore, the traditional statistical methods may not be applicable due to their limitations such as reliance on assumptions, low computational efficiency and disability of handling high-dimensional data. Under this circumstance, the data-driven machine-learning approaches can be a good choice [[21],...
We additionally found that moderate or severe disability and infection route were independently associated with prognosis. Almost all previous studies reported that old age was a strong prognostic factor, and this was also confirmed by our results. However, the time to recovery or mortality did not...