Fyson R. (2009) Independence and learning disabilities: why we must also recognise vulnerability. Journal of Integrated Care 17 (1), 3-8.Fyson, R. 2009. `Independence and Learning Disabilities: Why we Must also Recognise Vulnerability', Journal of Integrated Care, 17, 1, 3-8....
Related to Learning disabilities:dyslexia n. Any of various neurodevelopmental disorders that affect the ability to process information and may impede academic learning, especially in the areas of language, mathematics, and reasoning. Also calledlearning disorder. ...
During COVID-19, there was clemency toward Medicaid coverage for those with disabilities, including neurodiverse and developmentally-delayed children. Coverage was then dropped (I have heard 70%). We are one of those families. Are you? He was dropped off the Texas Home Living interest list whe...
Identifying the needs of older people with learning disabilities People with learning disabilities are living longer but will have specific health needs 21 Dec 2018 MORE Research news Beware diagnosis of ASD based on stereotype behaviour People with learning disability and sensory impairments can be wron...
The increasing number of individuals with Learning Disabilities (LD) and psychiatric disorders presents a key challenge to their assessment and treatment in mental health services. Children and young people with LD are more likely to experience mental health than the general population (FPLD, 2002; ...
The Government's first strategy for learning disabilities in 30 years Valuing People is designed to tackle social exclusion and discrimination (Department of Health (DoH), 2001). It is bold and challenging, but will it work? It is built upon four key principles: civil rights, independence, cho...
People with learning disabilities and/or autism will need support to rebuild their lives 20 May 2021 DNACPR notices: learning disability nurses are best-placed advocates for families CQC report acknowledges vulnerabilities of service users during COVID-19 ...
Learning disabilities do not indicate intelligence, nor do they spring from emotional disturbances, physical challenges or poverty. Rather, learning differences result from the way a person’s brain is wired to process information and make connections. They are common, neurobiological in origin and oft...
The purpose of this article is to explore how to teach secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD) to cope effectively, so they may develop self-determination (independence) skills in secondary school and beyond, in college. Teachers need to know about coping and what makes it ...
Research is reviewed relating the cognitive style dimensions of field dependence and reflection-impulsivity to underachievement, process deficits (minimal brain dysfunction), and hyperactivity. In general, field independence and a reflective cognitive style are associated with better performance. The importance...