The impact of machine learning on patient care: a systematic review. Artif Intell Med. 2020;103:101785. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2019.101785 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 69. US Food and Drug Administration. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)–enabled medical devices. ...
An ensemble deep learning based smart healthcare system is required for automatic diagnosis of heart diseases in integrated IoT and Fog computing environments. 2. Deep learning-based techniques are required to improve the Blockchain structures. 3. How to enable deep learning on IoT devices to impro...
The use of machine learning in general and deep learning in particular within healthcare is still in its infancy, but there are several strong initiatives across academia, and multiple large companies are pursuing healthcare projects based on machine learning. Not only medical technology companies, ...
Leaders in Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence Group, LLC, Doing Business As LPBI Group, Newton, MA Healthcare analytics, AI solutions for biological big data, providing an AI platform for the biotech, life sciences, medical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for related technological ...
But if you care about results more than artistic merit, it’s also almost sure to disappoint. Pretty is nice, but function needs to come before form. SAY you’re searching the Web one day and you come across a truly beautiful website. The image is striking, the copy inspirational, the...
But education works best when it connects with and builds on other initiatives, like community issues or healthcare. The Mukuru center run by the Sisters of Mercy in one of Nairobi's most notorious slums educates in a community atmosphere and links learning to opportunity creation, like jobs ...
Anthem is one of the nation's leading health benefits companies, serving the healthcare needs of 40+ million members across dozens of states. "The market of digital health platforms is growing at a remarkable rate. Gathering intelligence on this market is a challenging task due to the vast ...
Emotion classification Arousal and Valence Classification Model Based on Long Short-Term Memory and DEAP Data for Mental Healthcare Management LSTM Healthcare Inf. res. 2018 Emotion classification Hierarchical convolutional neural networks for EEG-based emotion recognition CNN Cognit Comput 2017 Emotion clas...
Several typical software and tools for the machine-learning studies have been well summarized in the literature [72], including Care (, Deeplearning4j (, (, Keras (, Mlpack (https://mlpac...
Based on the focus group discussions the factors behind students' dissatisfaction are a distraction and reduced focus, technology and Internet connectivity, inadequate support, workload, difficulty level, Interaction, psychological issues, and management. The most important factors behind the students' diss...