内容提示: Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods, Graham Gibbs,Claire AndrewDOWNLOAD http://bit.ly/1x7Pr43 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Learning+by+Doing%3A+A+Guide+to+Teaching+and+Learning+MethodsDOWNLOAD http://wp.me/2mgTw http://www.2shared.com/...
Learning by Doing, ContentsGibbs, Graham
First described by Gibbs et al., Structured Group Feedback sessions [SGFS] are structured discussions which encourage students to consider and present their views first, then discuss their views with peers while allowing time for individual thought and reflection on the views of others [29]. This...
▪ Gibbs reflective cycle model (1988) Graham Gibbs also described a cycle model for the reflective process in more detailed way. There are six stages in Gibbs's model, as shown in Figure 2. From these series of interactive questions, faculty of higher education are encouraged to think and...
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14. Burke J, Fayaz S, Graham K, Matthew R, Field M. Peer-assisted learning in the acquisition of clinical skills: a supplementary approach to musculoskeletal system training. Med Teach. 2007;29(6):577–82. 15. Field M, Burke JM, McAllister D, Lloyd DM. Peer-assisted learning: a ...
doi:10.1007/s11528-007-0003-2GrahamGibbsTrevorHabeshawMantzYorkeTechTrendsLandsberger, J. (2007) Learning by Design: A look at the relationship between research and practice in the UK. TechTrends. Jan/Feb 51(1), 8-11.
Graham GibbsRoutledgeOpen Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-LearningGibbs G.Does assessment in open learning support students[J].Open Learning,2010, 2(no.25):163-166.Gibbs, G. (2010). Does Assessment in Open Learning Support Students? Open learning, 25(2), 163- 166....
A joint probability of (v, h) is given by the Gibbs distribution in Eq. (4) $$ P\left(v,h\right)=\frac{1}{Z}{e}^{-E\left(v,h\right)} $$ (4) Z is a “partition function” that can be given by summing over all possible pairs of visual v and hidden h (5). ...
At the same university, the ‘First Year Team Project’ introduced students to PjBL approaching open-ended self-directed problems (Graham, 2010), but the project engaged around 40 faculty tutors for group facilitation and around 12 graduate students acting as ‘demonstrators’ during the weekly ...