each with its own regional specificity. For instance, British Sign Language (BSL) [2], Chinese Sign Language (CSL) [3], American Sign Language (ASL) [4], and Australian Sign Language (Auslan) [5] have each developed to suit the linguistic context of their communities. This diversity...
Currently we are running classes for a range of different levels of ability in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, BSL and other languages. A typical Languages at Lunch menu MondayTuesdayWednesday 11.30 - 12.30Beginners SpanishBeginners FrenchBeginners Italian ...
[BSL-1.0] Celero - C++ Benchmarking Framework. [Apache2] CppUTest - Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++. [BSD-3-clause] CUTE - C++ Unit Testing Easier. [LGPL3] CMocka - unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects. [Apache2] CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit. [...